current projects

Hedera Socks
Mrs Beeton Wristwarmers
Snowmen & Christmas Trees

recently completed

Wee Christmas Tree
A heap 'o scarves.
Moc Croc Socks

recently read

The Glass Bead Game - H. Hesse.
Pardon & Peace - Fr. Francis Randolph



Crafty Blogs I Love

*Wee Wonderfuls
*Knit and Tonic
*Yarn Harlot
*Deep Fried Kudzu
*Purly Whites
*Domestic Goddess
*Wise Craft
*Sock Pr0n
*The Glass Doorknob
*Hello My Name is Heather
*Elsie Marley

Blog Archive

November 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
@ 7:55 PM

I wanted to kick off this blog with a photo of my attempt at Hedera (from Knitty last spring), but no matter how hard I try, I can't get the yarn over before the purl right. I tried and tried, for a while there I thought I had it! There are two sets of holes running through the pattern, one set is made with a yo, k2 the other with a yo, p2. One side looks so pretty (!) and the other looks like it was attacked by moths. I wish I had remembered to take a photo of the mess before I ripped it out. I did get a quick pic of the twisted rib though, I really like it.

Since I love this sock so much I'm not willing to give up on it completely, I'm going to switch the p2 at the end of each row to a k1, p1 so I can bypass the yo that comes before the p2. I know it'll look a little different, but hopefully it'll at least look uniform!

I wont even go into detail about my Christmas knitting list, because I'd rather just knit away at Hedera and think about it on Saturday, when I officially only have 24 days to go. I will say that if Talea's project slips off the needles one more time, or if I get one more bead stuck on the yarn, I'm casting on something else for her, this is insane. I will mention that I'm looking forward to knitting at least one pair of socks each for the kids. Wee feet make for fun to knit socks! I'm also going to be knitting some Christmas trees to hang in the front window.

This afternoon my dear friend Lindsay came over for some much needed hang out time and knitting help. She's taken on a large project to give as a Christmas gift and I am nervous for her. I have more than once wrapped unfinished projects (still on their needles) and when unwrapped, I just took it back and kept knitting.

Yay Christmas! I love the bells in the background.

Ok, so back to Hedera...

posted by SoVeryDomestic at      
Knitting is rad